2013年12月7日 星期六

咖啡拉花 Latte Art

咖啡拉花技巧 - 基本技巧 (Basic Skills)

咖啡拉花技巧 - 心 (Heart)

咖啡拉花技巧 - 葉子 (Rosetta)

咖啡拉花技巧 - 鬱金香 (Tulip)

咖啡拉花技巧 - 波浪鬱金香 (Wave Tulip)

咖啡拉花技巧 - 帶翅膀的鬱金香 (Wing Tulip)

咖啡拉花技巧 - 跨地鬱金香 (Ground-CrossTulip)

咖啡拉花技巧 - 天鵝 (Swan)

咖啡拉花技巧 - 蝴蝶 (Butterfly)

咖啡拉花技巧 - 可愛小熊 (Lovely Bear)

咖啡拉花技巧 - 可愛小熊貓 (Lovely Penda)

咖啡拉花技巧 - 聖誕樹 (Christmas Tree)

咖啡拉花技巧 - 3D拉花 (3D Latte Art)

2013年12月4日 星期三



1. 先將研磨好的咖啡粉倒在濾紙上
2. 加入少量的熱開水約30
3. 再依正常方式煮咖啡即可。


1. 待水上升至八分滿時,開始倒入咖啡粉
2. 第一次攪拌約810
3. 約待25秒後再攪拌第二次
4. 再約待30秒後攪拌熄火。
5. 可用濕布來回擦拭下座(夏天可用冰水濕布),使上座咖啡加速降至下座,然後倒入預洗溫       熱過的咖啡杯。 

 * 清洗方法:使用完畢後請立即清洗以免殘留,以清水清洗即可。
  3.切勿將上座插入滾沸的下座,以免熱水噴出,可在下座水尚未滾開前,先將上座側放             不置入。


1. 先將濾紙浸溼
2. 將咖啡粉倒入濾杯後鋪平
3. 手沖壺對準濾杯手把以細水柱注入悶蒸
4. 開始第一次注水,採注水字繞法注水,水上至濾杯中間停止注水約停5秒後開始注水。 5. 第二次注水一樣採字繞水注慢慢加大到停水處停水,等到手沖壺內水滴完後,即完成一杯香醇咖啡。


Animal-likeThis odour descriptor is somewhat reminiscent of the smell of animals.  It is not a fragrant aroma like musk but has the characteristic odour of wet fur, sweat, leather, hides or urine.  It is not necessarily considered as a negative attribute but is generally used to describe strong notes.
This odour descriptor is similar to that of an ashtray, the odour of smokers' fingers or the smell one gets when cleaning out a fireplace.  It is not used as a negative attribute.  Generally speaking this descriptor is used by the tasters to indicate the degree of roast.
This odour and flavour descriptor is similar to that found in burnt food.  The odour is associated with smoke produced when burning wood.  This descriptor is frequently used to indicate the degree of roast commonly found by tasters in dark-roasted or oven-roasted coffees.
This odour descriptor is reminiscent of chemicals, medicines and the smell of hospitals.  This term is used to describe coffees having aromas such as rio flavour, chemical residues or highly aromatic coffees which produce large amounts of volatiles.
This aroma descriptor is reminiscent of the aroma and flavour of cocoa powder and chocolate (including dark chocolate and milk chocolate).  It is an aroma that is sometimes referred to as sweet.
This aroma descriptor is reminiscent of the odour and flavour produced when caramelizing sugar without burning it.  Tasters should be cautioned not to use this attribute to describe a burning note.
This descriptor includes aromas characteristic of cereal, malt and toast.  It includes scents such as the aroma and flavour of uncooked or roasted grain (including roasted corn, barley or wheat), malt extract and the aroma and flavour of freshly baked bread and freshly made toast.  This descriptor has a common denominator, a grain-type aroma.  The aromas in this descriptor were grouped together since tasters used these terms interchangeably when evaluating standards of each one.
EarthyThe characteristic odour of fresh earth, wet soil or humus.  Sometimes associated with moulds and reminiscent of raw potato flavour, considered as an undesirable flavour when perceived in coffee.
FloralThis aroma descriptor is similar to the fragrance of flowers.  It is associated with the slight scent of different types of flowers including honeysuckle, jasmine, dandelion and nettles.  It is mainly found when an intense fruity or green aroma is perceived but rarely found having a high intensity by itself.
This aroma is reminiscent of the odour and taste of fruit.  The natural aroma of berries is highly associated with this attribute.  The perception of high acidity in some coffees is correlated with the citrus characteristic.  Tasters should be cautioned not to use this attribute to describe the aroma of unripe or overripe fruit.
This aroma descriptor includes three terms which are associated with odours reminiscent of a freshly mowed lawn, fresh green grass or herbs, green foliage, green beans or unripe fruit.
NuttyThis aroma is reminiscent of the odour and flavour of fresh nuts (distinct from rancid nuts) and not of bitter almonds.
Rancid/RottenThis aroma descriptor includes two terms which are associated with odours reminiscent of deterioration and oxidation of several products.  Rancid as the main indicator of fat oxidation mainly refers to rancid nuts and rotten is used as an indicator of deteriorated vegetables or non-oily products.  Tasters should be cautioned not to apply these descriptors to coffees that have strong notes but no signs of deterioration.
Rubber-likeThis odour descriptor is characteristic of the smell of hot tyres, rubber bands and rubber stoppers.  It is not considered a negative attribute but has a characteristic strong note highly recognisable in some coffees.
This aroma descriptor is typical of the odour of sweet spices such as cloves, cinnamon and allspice.  Tasters are cautioned not to use this term to describe the aroma of savoury spices such as pepper, oregano and Indian spices.
TobaccoThis aroma descriptor is reminiscent of the odour and taste of tobacco but should not be used for burnt tobacco.
WineyThis terms is used to describe the combined sensation of smell, taste and mouthfeel experiences when drinking wine.  It is generally perceived when a strong acidic or fruity note is found.  Tasters should be cautioned not to apply this term to a sour or fermented flavour.
This aroma descriptor is reminiscent of the smell of dry wood, an oak barrel, dead wood or cardboard paper.
AcidityA basic taste characterised by the solution of an organic acid.  A desirable sharp and pleasing taste particularly strong with certain origins as opposed to an over-fermented sour taste.
A primary taste characterised by the solution of caffeine, quinine and certain alkaloids.  This taste is considered desirable up to a certain level and is affected by the degree of roast brewing procedures.
This is a basic taste descriptor characterised by solutions of sucrose or fructose which are commonly associated with sweet aroma descriptors such as fruity, chocolate and caramel.  It is generally used for describing coffees which are free from off-flavours.
SaltinessA primary taste characterised by a solution of sodium chloride or other salts.
This basic taste descriptor refers to an excessively sharp, biting and unpleasant flavour (such as vinegar or acetic acid).  It is sometimes associated with the aroma of fermented coffee.  Tasters should be cautious not to confuse this term with acidity which is generally considered a pleasant and desirable taste in coffee.
BodyThis attribute descriptor is used to describe the physical properties of the beverage.  A strong but pleasant full mouthfeel characteristic as opposed to being thin.
This attribute is characteristic of an after-taste sensation consistent  with a dry feeling in the mouth, undesirable in coffee.
- See more at: http://www.ico.org/vocab.asp?section=About_Coffee#sthash.blw0pDPD.dpuf

2013年11月26日 星期二


1.      蛋白質


3.      咖啡因

4.      脂肪
5.      丹寧酸

6.      纖維

7.      礦物質


  沒多久,小小的果子成堆出現,起先是綠色,然後轉成黃色,再變為紅色和絳紅色,當他們幾乎變黑時就可採收了 在牙買加,果子成熟與否蝙蝠最先知道,他們在晚上吸吮咖啡果漿,就是告訴農人果子成熟了,可以開始採收了。橢圓的果子圍繞著枝幹緊密的聚在一起,修長光滑的墨綠色牙狀葉子對生在枝幹兩邊。向陽一面的葉面較硬 背面則較柔軟蒼白,邊緣形成扇狀。枝幹也是從主幹對生出來。

咖啡樹在商業上主要有三種品種,這三種品種之下又各自有不同分類。阿拉比卡種(arabica)咖啡是最重要,且品質最好的咖啡豆,源自依索匹亞,是目前最被廣泛種植的咖啡。力柏瑞塔種咖啡(liberica)源自賴比瑞亞 諾巴司塔(robusta)源自剛果。後者的名字顯示它粗壯,能夠抵抗惡劣氣候,抗拒疾病侵害;整地、除草、剪枝時不需大多人工照顧,可以任其在林地野外生長。雖然味道比阿拉比卡苦澀,品質也比阿拉比卡遜色甚多。大部分非洲人都是喝諾巴司塔咖啡。因為產量大,所以用來製造即溶咖啡。阿拉比卡咖啡適於生長在海拔2000~6500英尺的高山--海拔愈高,品質愈好;力柏瑞塔和諾巴司塔則最好種植在海拔2000英尺以下。






'咖啡'這詞,於阿拉伯國家的意思是'友善',自從人類發現咖啡豆的用途,咖啡對人日常生活的影響已超越國家、種族外的層面,如今除了茶,咖啡已是世界性最普及的飲料,不再局限古老的藥用傳說,成為現代文明一部分,更轉形成休閒、有品味的象徵! 各式各樣有個性的咖啡店出現,加上咖啡獨有芳香,整合了人的視、聽及嗅覺等味覺,無形間逐漸擴大人類生活層次,形成一股咖啡新文化!


1.     語音時代演變說法:

2.     起源地說法:

英文著作中最早出現Coffee的字,是在於1601Sherley's Travel這本書。隨後,1610Sir GeorgeSandy的著作Travels 1627年的Francis Bacon1632Burton所著的Anatomy of Melancholy書中,都分別提到有關coffa這種飲料製作,對大腦同心臟、消化系統有益處。 除此以外,1582Rowwolf'sTravel一書中,Rowwolf醫生兼植物學家曾經到古代Levant(地中海的東部及島嶼群)旅行,當時他叫咖啡為chaube。古時候阿拉伯人稱咖啡豆及咖啡樹為bunn,其飲料被稱為bunchum1587年阿拉伯的古書,Sheik Abd-al-kadir中收錄,當時為於阿拉伯首都的Badgad有間醫院,醫院院長Rhazes曾經記述bunchum是治療胃腸病的良藥。

2013年4月8日 星期一




1.     Arabica   

2.      Robusta    

3.      Liberica